Source code for curve_matcher.geometry

import math
from typing import NamedTuple

[docs] class Point(NamedTuple): x: float y: float
Curve = list[Point] def subtract(v1: Point, v2: Point) -> Point: return Point(v1.x - v2.x, v1.y - v2.y) def magnitude(v: Point) -> float: return (v.x**2 + v.y**2) ** 0.5
[docs] def point_distance(point1: Point, point2: Point) -> float: """ Calculate the distance between 2 points """ return magnitude(subtract(point1, point2))
[docs] def curve_length(points: Curve) -> float: """ Calculate the length of the curve """ return sum(point_distance(p1, p2) for p1, p2 in zip(points, points[1:]))
[docs] def extend_point_on_line(p1: Point, p2: Point, dist: float) -> Point: """ return a new point, p3, which is on the same line as p1 and p2, but <dist> away from p2 p1, p2, p3 will always lie on the line in that order (as long as dist is positive) """ vect = subtract(p2, p1) norm = dist / magnitude(vect) return Point(p2.x + norm * vect.x, p2.y + norm * vect.y)
[docs] def subdivide_curve(curve: Curve, max_len: float = 0.05) -> Curve: """ Break up long segments in the curve into smaller segments of len max_len or smaller """ new_curve = curve[:1] for point in curve[1:]: prev_point = new_curve[-1] seg_len = point_distance(point, prev_point) if seg_len > max_len: num_new_points = int(seg_len / max_len) new_seg_len = seg_len / num_new_points for i in range(num_new_points): new_curve.append( extend_point_on_line(point, prev_point, -1 * new_seg_len * (i + 1)) ) else: new_curve.append(point) return new_curve
[docs] def rebalance_curve(curve: Curve, num_points: int = 50) -> Curve: """ Redraw the curve using `num_points` points equally spaced along the length of the curve This may result in a slightly different shape than the original if `num_points` is low """ curve_len = curve_length(curve) segment_len = curve_len / (num_points - 1) outline_points = [curve[0]] end_point = curve[-1] remaining_curve_points = curve[1:] for _ in range(num_points - 2): last_point = outline_points[-1] remaining_dist = segment_len outline_point_found = False while not outline_point_found: next_point_dist = point_distance(last_point, remaining_curve_points[0]) if next_point_dist < remaining_dist: remaining_dist -= next_point_dist last_point = remaining_curve_points.pop(0) else: next_point = extend_point_on_line( last_point, remaining_curve_points[0], remaining_dist - next_point_dist, ) outline_points.append(next_point) outline_point_found = True outline_points.append(end_point) return outline_points
[docs] def rotate_curve(curve: Curve, theta: float) -> Curve: """ Rotate the curve around the origin """ return [ Point( x=math.cos(-1 * theta) * point.x - math.sin(-1 * theta) * point.y, y=math.sin(-1 * theta) * point.x + math.cos(-1 * theta) * point.y, ) for point in curve ]